Books and cards


Koos Malgas sculptor of the Owl HouseKoos Malgas – Sculptor of the Owl House
by Julia Malgas and Jeni Couzyn

A personal account of the life and work of Nieu Bethesda’s well-known sculptor Koos Malgas, in his own words and through the eyes of his granddaughter. Illustrated with lavish photographs. Published September 2007


A Time to be BornA Time to be Born
by Jeni Couzyn
with drawings by Claire Weissman Wilks

Poems full of insight and joy, charting the journey from conception to birth and illustrated with tender and sensitive pencil drawings. Available now. Full details


Magic Scattering of Life Sheila FugardThe Magic Scattering of a Life
by Sheila Fugard

A new collection of poems that make immediate and accessible the mystical expression of the poet’s inner life. Published 2006


by Jeni Couzyn

A book length poem describing the poet’s return to her own country after thirty-five years of exile. With etchings by Cecil Skotnes. Available now. Full details



Waiting for Oneday

Personal and moving accounts of the lives of the people who work at the Bethesda Arts Centre.  To be published 2008


© Copyright Bethesda Foundation, Bethesda Arts Centre, 2005
Registered Charity 1089122


Firelizard is the Arts Centre’s small publishing house. It supports the Centre’s artistic programmes through sales of books and encourages new writing from Nieu Bethesda.



We design and produce a stunning range of cards to support the ongoing costs of the Arts Centre.

We hope to make them available online, soon. The ranges will be –

Bethesda Arts Centre
Christmas special