Join the New Year Lantern Parade

Bethesda Arts Centre’s Festival of Lights 31 December 2008

The Bethesda Arts Centre’s New Year’s Eve Festival of Lights and Lantern Parade is a truly inspiring community event run every year by the Bethesda Arts Centre. A powerful symbol of hope and beauty, the parade crosses cultural and religious barriers in a joyous celebration.


Tickets R100 per person, (adults and children) include:

Accommodation is available at the Centre. Tel Angie 071347 0308.
Lantern Making workshop must be booked in advance.
Tickets available from The Bethesda Arts Centre, Muller Street, Nieu Bethesda 6286.
Tel. 0498411731 email:

Visit us? | Stay in the wonderful fairytale Tower |

© Copyright Bethesda Foundation, Bethesda Arts Centre, 2005
Registered Charity 1089122

New Year celebrations

Visit Nieu Bethesda in the New Year and see the big parade.

You can stay in the fairytale Tower. Find out more